Custom Writing and Editing
Before we write, we listen. We research, study, question, and challenge assumptions to help our clients say what they want to say when they want to say it and in ways that resonate with their audiences.
We write annual reports, marketing materials, brochures, website text, video scripts, press releases, magazine articles, and opinion pieces, as well as grant applications and studies. We also edit corporate communications, book-length manuscripts, and reports for a variety of nonprofit organizations, with specializations in healthcare, environmental issues, education, agriculture, and criminal justice. Copy-editing and proofreading services are included in every job that we do.
UNICEF and Pure Earth. Report on childhood lead poisoning. Editor.
Global Alliance on Health and Pollution, Air Quality Asia, and Boston College. Report on effective strategies to reduce local air pollution. Editor. Four-part series on pollution caused by tanneries and textile production. Writer.
Aerial Imaging Productions and Swan Land Company. Marketing video for Jane Fonda’s Forked Lightning Ranch. Scriptwriter.
Aerial Imaging Productions. Marketing video for the Triple U Ranch, location for the movie, “Dances with Wolves.” Scriptwriter. Essays and commentary. Writer.